Colleen Boney (née Boney)

Born June 13, 1966. Passed away October 24, 2021.

Family & friends of the late Colleen Boney, beloved wife , husband of Kevin loved Mother  of Aubrey and Thomas

are invited  to attend  her  funeral on the 5th November 2021,

service to be held at the Coonamble St Barnabas Anglican at 10.30 am

followed  by interment in the Coonamble Cemetery.

People attending have to show they are double vaccinated or the numbers drop down to ten..


Funeral Notice

Service: Friday November 5, 2021

Family & friends of the late Colleen Boney, beloved wife , husband of Kevin loved Mother  of Aubrey and Thomas

are invited  to attend  her  funeral on the 5th November 2021,

service to be held at the Coonamble St Barnabas Anglican at 10.30 am

followed  by interment in the Coonamble Cemetery.

People attending have to show they are double vaccinated or the numbers drop down to ten..


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